" We view each child as competent and capable individuals with their own voice and rights which are heard and valued."
Curiosity is a fundamental aspect of childhood which is why our motto is "curiosity begins here". Our beautiful areas are carefully curated which are full of investigation which further sparks curiosity in children.
Learning Experiences
Each child's learning experiences are extended upon by educators at British Rose Nursery, we encourage children to initiate, observe and investigate their theories and findings which we support at every step.
Early Years Foundation Stage
We follow the British EYFS framework focusing on all the seven learning areas to help encourage each child to reach their full potential and promote strong, confident learners and members of society.
We believe every child is a unique individual who are naturally capable, motivated and competent learners. At British Rose Nursery we believe that when attention is given to what children say, their actions and what they produce encourages their natural compassion, empathy and capabilities which are strengthened for themselves and towards others.
Contributing to the learning of self and others
Investigating, theorising and learning
Motivation and curiosity to seek new information